Out Of Office (Lotus Notes) ti permette di settare il tuo Fuori Ufficio per Lotus Notes/Domino mentre sei in viaggio.
▶ La notifica di Assenza dall’ufficio può adesso essere inviata con vari formati della data.
09 settembre 2013
lunedì 9 settembre 2013
▶ Interrogate lo stato di altri OOO
Nota: Questa applicazione richiede che un componente sia installato sul tuo server Domino. Il link sottostante contiene le istruzioni per il settario.
Excellent tool, fills the ActiveSync gap!
by bu11frogg2, Jun 9 2014 (USA)
This is a very helpful tool if you use IBM Notes and you want to manage your Out-of-Office notifications from the road. There is also a feature that lets you check the OOO status of other people. Very handy! A server administrator simply needs to install a database onto your server and tell you the name of that server. Its a 5-minute installation, very easy. If the server component is licensed, no need to spend $2.99 on the app! Licensing the server component is reasonable and removes the ad and enables the "Notifications sent to..." list which can be handy. The server side component also allows your IT help desk to set other employees OOO notifications without any password- or email-access concerns if your organization has policies around those issues. Excellent product, easy to setup and use. Extracomm support has been terrific.
Quick and effective!
by QuaZi Human - Feb 28 2012 (Australia)
Excellent app
by Pejasw - Sep 14 2011 (Slovakia)
Excellent product!!!
by GoBrazil!! - Sep 2 2011 (USA)
Cool Notes gadget
by SkeptikerX - Jul 28, 2011 (Germany)